Osteoarthritis and tissue
regeneration in cats and dogs

Osteoarthritis and tissue
regeneration in cats and dogs

Treat degenerative joint wear and inflammation naturally.


Ferakin is the completely natural therapy for osteoarthritis in pets – 100% autologous, no limits, no additives!

The most common reasons for osteoarthritis in pets are the natural ageing process, but also overstrain and injury. Dogs and cats are often affected by hip dysplasia – a pathological change in the hip joint.

The classical therapies for the treatment of osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia in cats and dogs often have significant side effects and often end with surgery. These therapeutic approaches are limited by their nature.

When treating a pet with the Ferakin therapy, the veterinarian produces an Autologous Cytokine Rich Serum (ACRS), which is extracted from the animal’s blood. The finished serum is 100 % autologous and contains high concentrations of the body’s own messenger substances for anti-inflammation and tissue regeneration (interleukins and growth factors). Positive interleukins present in the serum can regulate the inflammation and the growth factors stimulate the regeneration of the damaged tissue. 

Natural treatment of skin inflammations and wound healing in dogs and cats

Ferakin therapy is increasingly being used therapeutically for inflammatory skin diseases and poorly healing wounds. The focus here is on targeted regulation of inflammation and rapid tissue regeneration. Anti-inflammatory interleukins and growth factors in the serum support and accelerate these processes in a completely natural way.

Ferakin is completely natural and has an unrestricted therapy duration.

Please register in the Sanakin & Ferakin Service Portal for information and onboarding.

Osteoarthritis and tissue regeneration in cats and dogs

Application of Ferakin therapy

100% autologous, unlimited and safe

Natural and safe procedure

Support of the body’s own regenerative powers

Pain relief

Inhibition of inflammation

Cartilage protection

Prevention or delay of surgical procedures

Therapy with few side effects

Individual treatment by the doctor

No overdose possible

Unrestricted therapy duration

Improvement of the quality of life

Rapid application

Uncomplicated handling

Indications in cats and dogs

  • Knee joint
  • Cubital joint
  • Carpal joint
  • Saddle joints
  • Hip joint
  • Tarsal joint
  • Shoulder joint
  • Joints of the spine

Please register in the Sanakin & Ferakin Service Portal for information and onboarding.